How to find the grid coordinates of your special place
If you know the address, street name, or city of your special place, the easiest way to get the grid coordinates is to enter the place name into Google Maps. Then look for the red pointer on top of the location. Hover your mouse over that red pointer and right click ... the grid coordinates will come up in a box.

Check out for an innovative text based location that uses three unique words to describe every location on the globe. We're happy to engrave these words on your bracelet if you prefer this style of address.
How to you find what place is referred to in grid coordinates?
If you're coming at it from the other direction, and you have the grid coordinates, but don't know the place name, just do these steps in reverse. Enter it into Google Maps, and it will show you where that place is.
The process works in reverse for as well. Just enter the three word address, and they will tell you where it is.
Choose a special necklace or bracelet with personal grid coordinates
We would love to help you choose the necklace or bracelet that will look great with your grid coordinates. This engraved jewellery would make the perfect gift for an anniversary, wedding or graduation. Here are a few ideas to get you started:
And please feel free to drop us a line on if you have any questions.