History of LGBT flags and their meanings Blog
January 04, 2023

History of LGBT flags & The Meanings Behind Them

We are proud to be an ally to the LGBTQIA+ community, and everyone knows about the rainbow pride flag, (read our blog post about it here), but today, we are going to look at some of the other flags in the sexuality and gender identity spectrum, as well as their history, and the meanings of the colours on the flags.


Agender flag heart stripes black grey green white



A person who does not identify as having a specific gender is referred to as being agender. Agender can also be referred to as gender-free, neutrois, gender blank, or genderless. Seven horizontal stripes make up the agender pride flag, which was designed by Salem X in 2014.

The agender flag has four colours. Here’s what they all mean:

  • Black and white stripes represent a lack of gender
  • Grey represents semi-genderless
  • Green represents nonbinary genders

If you want to represent or support the agender community, click here to explore our selection of wonderful keyrings and badges.


Aromantic heart flag hands green white grey black



In recent years, three flags have been used to signify aromantics, who have no desire or interest in romantic relationships. The original flag included orange, green, black, and yellow stripes. Green represents the antithesis of romance, yellow friendship, orange aromantics, and black alloromantics who reject the conventional definitions of romance.

This flag's creator and creation date are unknown.

Five stripes made up the next aromantic pride flag. Black, grey, yellow, light green, and dark green were the predominant hues. This LGBTQ flag was first designed on Tumblr, like many others. The third flag design, which is the most recent and popular one, represents the aromantic pride movement. On November 16, 2014, Cameron created this flag.

There are four colours on the aromatic flag. Aromanticism is represented by dark green. The aromantic spectrum is represented by light green. Relationships that are queer or nearly platonic are symbolised by white. Grey is a symbol for demiromantic and grey-aromantic individuals. The range of sexuality is represented by black.

Check out our range of Aromantic lanyards and accessories.


Asexual flag LGBT why black grey white purple



People who are asexual typically don't experience sexual attraction or desire. Asexuality is a range, with having sexual attraction at one end and being completely devoid of it at the other (allosexual). Those who fall somewhere in the middle of the spectrum are referred to as "grey aces", and they may find some people to be sexually attractive (e.g., people whom they have emotional relationships with, and not strangers like celebrities or eye candies).

Following an online vote by participants in various asexual communities, the asexual pride flag was officially established in 2010.

  • Black represents asexuality
  • White represents all sexuality (presence of sexual attraction)
  • Grey represents the grey area sexual and asexual people
  • Purple represents community, because the AVEN website had a purple colour scheme

Want to help promote the asexual flag with an enamel pin?


Bisexual flag LGBT colours pink purple blue



Michael Page created the bisexual pride flag, which was first unveiled on December 5, 1998. This flag is composed of a broad blue stripe at the bottom (representing opposite gender attractions), a broad magenta stripe at the top (representing same-gender attractions), and a thinner deep lavender band in the middle (which represents attraction toward both genders).

There are lots of ways to incorporate the bisexual flag in your accessories.


Genderfluid coloured flag pink white purple black blue meaning



Genderqueer people who identify as genderfluid fall within the transgender category. Five stripes make up the genderfluid flag, which was designed by JJ Poole in 2012 and symbolises the gender fluidity and changes that it experiences.

Pink is the first stripe and it stands for femininity or feeling feminine. The absence of gender is symbolised by the second white stripe. The third stripe, which is purple, symbolises a blend of genders, including androgyny in varying degrees. The fourth stripe, which is black, stands for all other gender identities, third genders, and pansexuality. The last stripe, which is blue, stands for feeling or being masculine.

A genderfluid wristband or keychain is an easy way to show your support for this community.


Genderqueer flag LGBT why purple white green



A genderqueer individual rejects the idea of traditional gender roles yet still identifies as either neither, both, or both male and female. Though it differs slightly from nonbinary in meaning, the term genderqueer is best used as a catch-all for any identification that isn't cisgender (when one’s gender is the same as their sex at birth).

In 2011, author and advocate Marilyn Roxie created the genderqueer pride flag. Three coloured stripes make up the flag, signifying the following:

  • Pink and blue, which have historically represented men and women, are combined to make lavender, which represents androgyny and queer identities.
  • White denotes identities that are gender-neutral and transgender.
  • The colour chartreuse is symbolic with the third gender and non-binary identities.

Click to explore genderqueer bracelets and accessories.


Why lesbian flag is shade of pink LGBT



The lesbian community (which consists of women who are attracted to other women) is represented by the lesbian flag.

Its appearance has undergone a number of revisions since graphic artist Sean Campbell first created it in 1999, and it now features five horizontal stripes of different colours. From top to bottom, the stripes stand for "gender non-conformity" (dark orange), "independence" (orange), "community", "unique relationships to women", "serenity and peace", "love and sex", and "femininity" (dark rose).

Sean Campbell first unveiled the lesbian pride flag in 1999, and it featured a pattern known as "The Labrys Design." Zeus' double-axe for causing storms is called a labrys. In the original lesbian flag, the double-axe is plainly visible inside the black triangle.

The 2010 design of the Lipstick Lesbian Pride Flag, with its large lipstick imprint in the top left corner, symbolises gay women who have a more feminine gender presentation.

In 2018, blogger Emily Gwen on Tumblr created the orange / pink lesbian pride flag, which was modelled after the Seven-Band Pink Flag (also known as the Lipstick Lesbian Pride Flag minus the lipstick kiss design).

A very interesting twist on the original rainbow flag that includes additional lesbian symbolism is the gay pride flag with the double-Venus emblem. It is still used occasionally even if it is not as frequently as the other lesbian flags.

Looking for a way to promote or support the lesbian community? Check out our range of lesbian jewellery and accessories.


Nonbinary Non binary heart flag stripes yellow white purple black



Kye Rowan, then 17 years old, designed this flag in 2014 as a reaction to nonbinary people feeling misrepresented by the genderqueer flag. The purpose of this emblem was to complement Roxie's design rather than to completely replace it.

The colour yellow represents gender that isn't binary. The white depicts those who identify with several or all genders. Purple represents those who identify as either male or female or as both. Without regard to sexuality or colour, the black is for the transgender people.

Click here to see our nonbinary jewellery and accessories.


Polysexual flag LGBT pink green blue stripes



If you identify as polysexual, it would mean that you are sexually attracted to multiple, but not all, genders. 

The stripes on the polysexual pride flag are pink, green, and blue. Pink denotes a preference for women, green denotes a preference for non-binary or enby individuals, and blue denotes a preference for males. Tomlin, a Tumblr user, designed the polysexual flag in 2012. Since all of these identities fall under the multi-sexual category, he made the flag resemble the pan and bi flags.

Represent this flag proudly, have a look at our pins and accessories!

On October 21, 2020, an anonymous wiki user created a substitute poly flag. The new layout is intended to be more pleasing to the eye while keeping the same message. The additional lighter pink and blue stripes on this flag represent polyamorous people, while the original stripe colours and their meanings are still present. The almost-white, light-green stripes stand for peace, polyamory, and transgender people.

The original polysexual pride flag is the one that is currently most frequently seen, but this may change in the future.


Pansexual history of flag striped pink yellow blue



This all may be getting a little confusing, so let me try to distinguish between these identities. Polysexual refers to someone who is attracted to people of several genders, much as the term "bisexual." Pansexuality, on the other hand, refers to your attraction to persons of all genders. Bisexuality and pansexuality are both included under the term "polysexual," which functions as an umbrella term. Pansexual refers to a preference for either gender, as "pan" is derived from the Latin word for "all."

The three different stripes on the pansexual flag make it easy to identify. Salmon-pink top stripe on top of canary yellow bottom strip. The flag's design is completed by a bright blue final stripe.

This flag was produced in 2010 with assistance from an online pansexual community. It was first intended to represent the division between pansexual and bisexual identities. Even the flag's design shows the distinctions between the two.

The pansexual flag, which has three stripes of vivid pink, yellow, and blue, is used to indicate persons whose attraction to others is not based on sex or gender identity. Two overlapping stripes of pink and navy blue make up the bisexual flag. Where they combine, they form a tiny purple strip that symbolises the bisexual attraction to two different genders.

The three hues of the pansexual flag stand for the three gender identities that a pansexual person is drawn to. People who identify as female are represented by the pink stripe, and people who identify as male are represented by the blue stripe. All those who identify somewhere on or outside of the gender spectrum are represented by the third yellow stripe.

Find pansexual jewellery and accessories for you.


History behind Transgender flag stripes blue pink white



Monica Helms created the flag for the Transgender Pride Movement. It was first displayed during a pride march in Phoenix, Arizona.

The flag, which has five horizontal stripes, is used to represent the transgender community. Two light blues (the conventional colour for baby boys), two pinks (the traditional colour for baby girls), and a white stripe in the middle for transgender people, people who feel they are neither male nor female, and intersex people.

Check out our growing range of transgender jewellery and accessories.


Allyship is so important. Everyone deserves to feel supported and comfortable in who they are. You can find all our selection of LGBT jewellery here. If you want to learn more about these flags, feel free to watch this video. Leave a comment and tell us what you think! Thanks for reading! 

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