News from Butler & Grace - medical and personalised jewellery

Mental Health In The LGBTQ+ Community: Support & Strategies
It’s so important to value the mental well-being of the LGBTQ+ community to help create a supportive environment, and to boost overall health.
In this blog, we’ll look at mental health challenges specific to the LGBTQ+ community, discuss why acceptance and inclusion are important, explore strategies to promote healthier minds, and share people’s experience of how they’ve come to accept their sexuality.
In this blog, we’ll look at mental health challenges specific to the LGBTQ+ community, discuss why acceptance and inclusion are important, explore strategies to promote healthier minds, and share people’s experience of how they’ve come to accept their sexuality.

What Is The ‘Black Dog Symbol’ For Depression?
The term “black dog” has been used throughout history to describe the state of depression, but do you know why it’s used?
In this blog, we will explain the origin and the importance of the black dog metaphor and how you can use it in your jewellery or accessories.
In this blog, we will explain the origin and the importance of the black dog metaphor and how you can use it in your jewellery or accessories.

Coordinates Jewellery For Empowerment: A Symbol Of Strength
When faced with the challenges that present themselves in life, we often find strength in unique ways. For some, jewellery isn’t just a fashion statement, but a powerful symbol of empowerment and resilience. Coordinates jewellery stands out as a powerful reminder of our personal triumphs.
In this blog, we will explore how coordinates jewellery empowers those who have overcome adversity, promotes mental health advocacy through self-expression, and serves as a source of encouragement for all who wear it.
In this blog, we will explore how coordinates jewellery empowers those who have overcome adversity, promotes mental health advocacy through self-expression, and serves as a source of encouragement for all who wear it.

Why Wear A Medical Bracelet For Your Mental Health?
30% of people live with a mental health condition in the UK. That’s 1 in 4 people! In this blog, we will go through a few different mental health conditions and explain why wearing a medical bracelet can help you in an emergency.

What Is Semicolon Jewellery?
Most of us will know the semicolon as a punctuation mark which separates major sentence elements; but to many people it means a lot more than that. Read this blog to find out more ...

Starting A Daily Gratitude Practice For Your Health
Being grateful is deeper than a simple and automatic thank you. It is when we consciously take time to acknowledge a kind gesture or something that may have happened out of pure luck, and no one was responsible for it. There are many ways to be grateful and the purpose of this blog is to show how important daily gratitude practice can be, how it can improve your health, and give you amazing tips for you to get started.

Bullet Journaling For Your Health
Whether you are looking for support in managing your medical condition or simply want to step up your self-care game, a Bullet Journal might be just the tool you need. But what is a BUJO exactly? It can be completely tailored, and can be helpful for anyone with allergies, anxiety, diabetes, epilepsy or autism.

How Colour Therapy Can Lift Your Mood & Promote Healing
Different colours can be used to improve your mood and overall health through a practice called colour therapy. Learn what these colours mean and how they can impact your health. Add them to your home, your desk, or your medical alert jewellery, to help balance your energy centres and promote healing.

The Power of Daily Affirmations
Affirmations help make us stronger by slowly re-wiring our brain to believe the thing that we want to be true. So through repetition, our self-concept and actions start to align with it. Positive thoughts become positive actions. And the affirmation really does … start to be true.

My Personal Affirmation Bracelet - Body Confidence For The Over 40s.
I love my body, and you should too. I wear an affirmation bracelet as a daily reminder that I am strong and beautiful. And that I am okay just as I am. I am enough.

Start Running With A Couch To 5K Plan
Have you ever wanted to take up running but were unsure where to start? Not done any exercise for a while and want to improve your general fitness? Maybe you want to do a run to raise money for charity but are unsure which training plan to follow ...