September 25, 2024

What Is The ‘Black Dog Symbol’ For Depression?

The term “black dog” has been used throughout history to describe the state of depression, but do you know why it’s used?

In this blog, we will explain the origin and the importance of the black dog metaphor and how you can use it in your jewellery or accessories.



But first … What is depression?

Before we can delve into the black dog symbol for depression, we must first understand what depression is.

Depression is a mood disorder in which the body and brain do not produce the “feel good” chemicals required to control mood, sleep, appetite, and clear thinking. Symptoms may include apathy, under or oversleeping, loss of interest in food, muscle weakness, irritability, and loss of interest for activities you once enjoyed.

Read more from the NHS on the symptoms of depression.



Where did this metaphor come from? 

In 1776, Dr Samuel Johnson was the first to use the term “black dog” in reference to the melancholy and depression he experienced as someone with clinical depression.

The phrase was later popularised by Winston Churchill, who was often quoted as referring to a “black dog” when he felt unmotivated, or otherwise unproductive and unable to write stories. The black dog was said to have been the source of melancholy and took the blame for some of Churchill’s moments of inactivity.

Over time, the “black dog” grew as something of a symbol for Churchill, with many amateurs and mental health professionals alike pointing to this term and its corresponding behaviours as a sign of Churchill’s poor mental health. Although there is no definitive evidence that Winston Churchill had a mental health condition of any kind, his descriptor persists as a powerful, insightful window into the lives of men and women who experience the symptoms of depression.

Have a read on the brief history of the black dog.



So, why is a black dog used to symbolise depression? 

Since depression is a mood disorder, the combination of ‘blackness’ with some of the positive or negative connotations of ‘dog’ seems to be an eminently apt description of depression: an ever-present companion, lurking in the shadows just out of sight. These companions are always by your side – you can send them away, but they will always come back; in some ways becoming an extension of you.

This positive view of dogs combined with depression means that this mental state simply exists. It is part of your life. You will work on it, and occasionally it leaves you for short times. But it’s present for the long term and needs recognition and discussion.


Why is this metaphor important? 

This metaphor can be useful for those living with depression or those experiencing symptoms. The image of a large, intrusive black dog can clearly identify the often difficult-to-see aspects of depression.

By using the metaphor of a black dog, it allows you and others to see that depression is not a matter of needing a simple mindset change, or pep talk. It often feels like an outside entity, which can sometimes feel beyond your control.

Just as a large black dog’s persistence in following you around or taking up your time with its insistence is out of control, depression is largely uncontrollable and requires both time and treatment to begin to fade. You may benefit from therapy, lifestyle changes, or medication to keep symptoms manageable and under control.



How can this symbol be used in jewellery? 

By wearing black dog jewellery, you are raising awareness of mental health and depression. It can be a conversation starter, a sign of solidarity, or let people know that they are not alone with their struggles.

Our black dog pins come engraved with the semicolon symbol, so you can raise awareness to mental health. You could also customise your own heart pin by engraving the semicolon with an added pawprint in reference to the black dog metaphor.



Where to go for more support 

Depression is said to affect 1 in 13 adults, so it’s important to remember you are not alone. There are many charities that support the black dog campaign, including a charity in Australia that’s even called “Black Dog” (although they focus on a broad range of mental health issues, not just depression).

Betterhelp.com shares treatment options for depression, as well as more info on the black dog metaphor.


In conclusion, the black dog has been consistent throughout history and often used to describe the state of depression or low mood. The black dog metaphor can be a reminder to raise awareness of depression and all mental health conditions. If you have any questions, please leave a comment below or drop us a line at help@butlerandgrace.co

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